7 activities found.
All Day
‘Eccentrica. Collezione di Centro Pecci’
Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci Via della Republica 277, Prato‘Colour Image Space. Bart van der Leck in dialogue.’
Raketenstation Hombroich Raketenstation 4, NeussJen Liu, ‘The land at the bottom of the sea’
Moving Image Media Art Program Sunset Boulevard, various billboards, West-HollywoodBert Frings & Bas Louter: ‘Ragpicker’
Van Zijll Langhout Contemporary Art Brouwersgracht 161, AmsterdamJacqueline Peeters: ‘Landmark paintings and rarely shown drawings’
Loods 12 Koophandelstraat 12, Wetteren‘Re-Inventing Piet. Mondrian und die Folgen’
Wilhelm Hack Museum Berlinerstrasse 23, Ludwigshafen am Rhein‘ZAPP MAGAZINE – revisiting the legendary ‘90s artworld video-zine’
Buzzer Reeves Skalitzerstrsse 76, Berlin
Week of Activities
Artist Talk Nora Kapfer
Artist Talk Nora Kapfer
Nora Kapfer (b.1984, München, Germany), lives in Berlin Behind the familiar imagery of the works by German artist Nora Kapfer hides an experimental approach to painting and picture making. In her work, radical questions that modern painting has been asking itself since its inception, revive. Using tar-like bitumen and paper cut outs as material, Kapfers […]