Artist Talk Michelle Williams Gamaker

De Ateliers Stadhouderskade 86, Amsterdam, Nederland

Michelle Williams Gamaker (b.1979, London, UK), lives in London Michelle Williams Gamaker is an artist working in moving image and performance, often in dialogue with film history. Through an interrogation of cinema and its artifice, she recasts characters as fictional activists, proposing critical alternatives to colonial and imperialist storytelling in early 20th-century British and Hollywood studio films. Her work has featured in […]


Jen Liu

Upstream Gallery Kloveniersburgwal 95, Amsterdam, Nederland
Participants: Jen Liu

Fabulous Facts, True Fictions

De Ateliers Stadhouderskade 86, Amsterdam, Nederland

De Ateliers proudly presents five amazing short films by former artist participants. Each piece is 7 to 16 minutes long and is screened in a room of its own. All works present the world as we know it in images we have never seen before. Facts appear fabulous. Fiction seems to be telling the truth. […]


Emo Verkerk

Willem Baars Projects Hoogte Kadijk 17 hs, Amsterdam, Nederland
Participants: Emo Verkerk

Shana Moulton

Cement Fondue 36, Gosbell Street, Paddington, New South Wales, Australië
Participants: Shana Moulton