All Day


Punta Della Dogana Dorsoduro 2, Venetië


De Blauwe Zaal Blauwezaalhoek 4, Brugge

Paul Drissen

Kröller Müller Museum Houtkampweg 6, Otterlo


Project RUIS, various locations Smalle Pad 3, Amersfoort

‘Conduit House’

April in Paris Schulpweg 14, Aerdenhout

Artist Talk Onyeka Igwe + Screening ‘Ungentle’

De Ateliers Stadhouderskade 86, Amsterdam

Onyeka Igwe (b. 1986, London, UK), lives in London London-born artist and researcher Onyeka Igwe is working mainly with moving-image. Her work is aimed at the question: How do we […]
