Artist Talk Phung-Tien Phan

De Ateliers Stadhouderskade 86, Amsterdam, Nederland

Phung-Tien Phan (b.1983, Essen, Germany), lives in Essen In her sculptures and videos, German-Vietnamese artist Phung-Tien Phan explores the social significance and cultural references of everyday household objects we surround ourselves with. From 2014 to 2017, Phung-Tien Phan was involved with artists run space Belle Air in Essen. Her work was presented in solo and […]

Artist Talk Michelle Williams Gamaker

De Ateliers Stadhouderskade 86, Amsterdam, Nederland

Michelle Williams Gamaker (b.1979, London, UK), lives in London Michelle Williams Gamaker is an artist working in moving image and performance, often in dialogue with film history. Through an interrogation of cinema and its artifice, she recasts characters as fictional activists, proposing critical alternatives to colonial and imperialist storytelling in early 20th-century British and Hollywood studio films. Her work has featured in […]

Jen Liu

Upstream Gallery Kloveniersburgwal 95, Amsterdam, Nederland
Participants: Jen Liu

Fabulous Facts, True Fictions

De Ateliers Stadhouderskade 86, Amsterdam, Nederland

Met gepaste trots presenteert De Ateliers vijf wonderlijke, korte films van voormalige deelnemers. Elk van deze werken duurt 7 tot 16 minuten en wordt in een eigen ruimte getoond. De films tonen de wereld zoals wij die kennen in beelden de we nooit eerder hebben gezien. Feiten lijken fabeltjes. Fictie vertelt schijnbaar de waarheid. Uitgaande […]

Emo Verkerk

Willem Baars Projects Hoogte Kadijk 17 hs, Amsterdam, Nederland
Participants: Emo Verkerk