2024-09-20 ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’ ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’ 20 september 2024 - 27 mei 2025 ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’
2024-09-28 Lara Almarcegui: ‘Gravas y Arenas’ Lara Almarcegui: ‘Gravas y Arenas’ 28 september 2024 - 9 maart 2025 Lara Almarcegui: ‘Gravas y Arenas’
2024-10-06 Giulia Cenci: ‘Le Masche’ Giulia Cenci: ‘Le Masche’ 6 oktober 2024 - 28 december 2025 Giulia Cenci: ‘Le Masche’
2024-11-17 Lara Schnitger: ‘Stitch Witch’ Lara Schnitger: ‘Stitch Witch’ 17 november 2024 - 8 juni 2025 Lara Schnitger: ‘Stitch Witch’
2024-11-29 Raphaela Vogel: ‘Die Dressur des Raumes Zikkurat der toten winkel’ Raphaela Vogel: ‘Die Dressur des Raumes Zikkurat der toten winkel’ 29 november 2024 - 2 maart 2025 Raphaela Vogel: ‘Die Dressur des Raumes Zikkurat der toten winkel’
2025-01-24 Johannes Büttner & Benedikte Bjerre Johannes Büttner & Benedikte Bjerre 24 januari - 11 mei Johannes Büttner & Benedikte Bjerre
2025-01-31 Patrizio di Massimo: ‘Friends, Foes, Beds and Beaus’ Patrizio di Massimo: ‘Friends, Foes, Beds and Beaus’ 31 januari - 8 maart Patrizio di Massimo: ‘Friends, Foes, Beds and Beaus’
2025-02-06 Rob Birza: ‘Konfetti Parade’ Rob Birza: ‘Konfetti Parade’ 6 februari - 24 maart Rob Birza: ‘Konfetti Parade’
2025-02-12 Urs Fischer: ‘Easy Solutions and Problems’ Urs Fischer: ‘Easy Solutions and Problems’ 12 februari - 23 maart Urs Fischer: ‘Easy Solutions and Problems’
2025-02-28 ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’ ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’ 28 februari 2025 - 22 februari 2026 ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’
2025-03-01 Michael Kirkham: ‘Schatten Apparat’ Michael Kirkham: ‘Schatten Apparat’ 1 maart - 5 april Michael Kirkham: ‘Schatten Apparat’
2025-03-01 Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’ Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’ 1 maart - 11 mei Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’
2025-03-02 Rebekka von Zimmermann: ‘Recursion’ Rebekka von Zimmermann: ‘Recursion’ 2 maart - 10 april Rebekka von Zimmermann: ‘Recursion’
2024-09-20 ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’ ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’
2025-01-31 Patrizio di Massimo: ‘Friends, Foes, Beds and Beaus’ Patrizio di Massimo: ‘Friends, Foes, Beds and Beaus’
2025-02-28 ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’ ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’
2025-03-01 Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’ Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’
2024-09-20 ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’ ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’
2025-02-28 ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’ ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’
2025-03-01 Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’ Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’
2025-03-15 Emo Verkerk: ‘Hilaritas’ Emo Verkerk: ‘Hilaritas’ 15 maart - 9 juni Emo Verkerk: ‘Hilaritas’
2024-09-20 ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’ ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’
2025-02-28 ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’ ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’
2025-03-01 Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’ Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’
2025-03-22 Evelyn Taocheng Wang: ‘Spreading elegance’ Evelyn Taocheng Wang: ‘Spreading elegance’ 22 maart - 10 mei Evelyn Taocheng Wang: ‘Spreading elegance’
2024-09-20 ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’ ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’
2025-02-28 ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’ ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’
2025-03-01 Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’ Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’
2024-09-20 ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’ ‘First Double 1&2: Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide)’
2025-02-28 ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’ ‘No longer not yet. Katja Mater and the Fomu collection’
2025-03-01 Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’ Monique Desto & Klaartje van Essen: ‘Erosion arranged: we sink, I stretch, you flow’